Coco One Page Parallax Website Template
Coco is inventive a clever a resourceful an original an inventive an inspired an imaginative an artless an explicit} optical phenomenon One Page template could be a good template for creative agencies, freelancers, graphic designers, illustrators, photographers or any quite inventive is currently ready to create a fast portfolio to showcase their work with a singular and inventive bit. Responsive supported Bootstrap.
- Modern and Clean Design
- Based on Bootstrap Latest Version
- HTML5, CSS3, jQuery
- 100% Responsive
- Working Contact Form PHP
- Easy to Customize
- Valid HTML5
- SEO optimized
- Retina Ready
- Based On Sass
- Minimal and Clean
- HTML CSS JS Included
- Fonts Awesome Icons
- linea Icons
- Free Google Fonts.
- Awesome Unique Look
- All files are well commented
- Well Documentation
- Free Updates
- Displays well in all modern browsers and devices