Cryptoniq - Cryptocurrency Payment Plugin for WordPress

Cryptoniq - Cryptocurrency Payment Plugin for WordPress

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Cryptoniq - Cryptocurrency Payment Plugin for WordPress

Cryptoniq - Cryptocurrency Payment Plugin for WordPress

Cryptoniq | Cryptocurrency Payment WordPress Plugin

Cryptoniq is a Wordpress Payment Plugin, which allows to pay for products with cryptocurrencies. It was built with the vision to make the payments comfortable as much as possible.


Plugin supports 4 popular crypto coins:

  • Bitcoin (BTC)
  • Ethereum (ETH)
  • Dogecoin (Doge)
  • Tron (TRX)
  • Litecoin (LTC)
  • Bitcoin Cash (BCH)

Choose your lovely coin and make payment.

Decentralized Payment System

As we know, most payment systems require registration on their services, creating wallets there – controlling your money. Also charging withdrawal fees from you.

Cryptoniq uses a Decentralized Payment Method for payments. You just need to add your wallet addresses to plugin options panel and user will send the money directly to your address. It gives the following advantages:

  • Direct Payment
  • No 3rd Party Service
  • No Withdrawal Fees

Powerful Admin Panel

Plugin has it’s own Admin Panel, where you can set your options. It allows you to set wallet addresses, add coin prices for products, choose payment coins and much more…

Payment Box

There is a comfortable & responsive payment box with an awesome design, compatible with all devices. Make your payment with one click.

Required plugins: Redux Framework

Also check Cryptoniq’s NFT: Hybrid Ghost

= =

Fixed: Sale Price
= =

Fixed: Bug Fixes
= 1.9.7 =

Added: PHP v8 support
Added: Woo v7.5.1support (latest version)
Added: WP v6.2 support (latest version)
Fixed: Debug Errors
= 1.9.6 =

Fixed: Payment processing issue (redirect)
Changed: Icons

= 1.9.5 =

Fixed: LTC API (Updated)

= 1.9.4 =

Fixed: Price prefixes & calculations for range type products
Fixed: Stock availability if payment failed
Fixed: Order processing / completed issue

= 1.9.3 =

Fixed: Price range calculation
Fixed: Some other price issues
Changed: Price update method. Plugin will work faster!

= 1.9.2 =

Fixed: Some tiny issues

= 1.9.1 =

Fixed: n/a issue for prices

= 1.9 =

Added: LTC & BCH support
Changed: Confirmation number is now set 1 for all the coins
Fixed: Other issues

= 1.8 =

* Changed: API (new & improved)
* Changed: Few coins have been disabled: (LTC, ZEC, DASH)
* Added: Price copy button
= 1.7.2 =

* Fixed: Timestamps
= 1.7.1 =

* Fixed: Prices in checkout page (undefined price)
* Added: Cookies for transaction checker.
= 1.7 =

* Fixed: Coin Prices
* Fixed: API Transaction Tracker
= 1.6 =

* Added: New coin: Tron (TRX)
* Changed: Payment Progress Bar & Design
* Added: Color options to Admin Panel
* Changed: Improved some functions
= 1.5 =

* Added: New coins - DASH, ZEC
= 1.4 =

* Fixed: Some Bugs
= 1.3 =

* Fixed: Price calculation for too small amounts.
= 1.2.1 =

* Changed: Global currency API caller with license key validation.
= 1.2 =

* Changed: Global currency data changed to own API.
* Added license key validation.
= 1.1 =

* Changed: Confirmation number for LTC & DOGE. Now 2 instead of 6 to make payments faster.
= 1.0 =

* Initial release.
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