Film Review & Movie Database HTML Template Free Download
If you want to launch a movie database, movie review, project presentation, movies, a powerful web template with a diverse design is what you are probably looking for. BlockBuster is one of those templates. Built with HTML5 and JavaScript, it also includes a large number of dynamic elements such as movies and TV shows, sliders and interactive maps. Its menu adheres to the top of the screen when scrolling and has mega-functionality, which allows you to incorporate banners, videos, buttons or custom HTML blocks into your menu items. Thanks to its ability to respond and compatibility between browsers, this template will look equally good on any modern device.
- Fully responsive
- Movie & TV show design
- Responsive Slider
- Contact form
- Comment form
- HTML5 / CSS3
- Beautiful and simple design
- Easy to work with / create own pages
- Validated code
- Well structured markup
- Well commented css and custom.js
- Well documentation
- Cross browser (Chrome, Opera, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer, phone & tablets browsers)