Flutter Login and Signup UI -responsive template -beautiful design v1.0

Flutter Login and Signup UI -responsive template -beautiful design v1.0

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Flutter Login and Signup UI -responsive template -beautiful design v1.0

Flutter Login and Signup UI -responsive template -beautiful design v1.0

What is flutter? Flutter UI Kit Flutter is an open-source mobile application development SDK created by Google. It is used to develop applications for Android and iOS, as well as being the primary method of creating applications for Google Fuchsia, Flutter widgets incorporate all critical platform differences such as scrolling, navigation, icons and fonts to provide full native performance on both iOS and Android.

What we provide? A beautiful login and signup UI design with responsiveness to adjust to different mobile screen sizes.

What the file contains? A complete source code file and apk of the app and a document to guide you about the details of this project and how to use it without any constraints.

What you will get? A complete source code file in which each class and widget is professionally managed so it’s easy to figure out where the class or widget is placed and folders are made to keep the related files and widgets at one place.The code also have comments to guide the developer/user about the functions and the widgets.

Font used? Default font of the TextStyle widget.

Easy Customizable? The code is easily customizable and editable.

What you need? A Visual studio code compiler or android studio to compile it in windows or XCode if you have mac. All the other steps are specified in the readMe document which will be given with the source code file and apk file.

Thanks for using this login and signup UI for your project. Comment doen your thoughts on how to make it more attractive and pro.Your thoughts are appreciated. Hope to get positive response from you.Thanks and have a good day.

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