Flutter News App with Admin Panel - Short News App
Details of Extended License Purchase
– Website Features
– Demo Website Link
– Admin Link
Email: [email protected]
Password: admin
– Files Included on purchase of extended license: Full Flutter Source Code (iOS & Android) and Full Laravel Source Code
– *Note – Please email us at [email protected] when you purchased the Extended License.
Admin Credentials-
Link – https://inciteapp.technofox.co.in/admin
Email: [email protected]
Password: admin
VERSION 1.7 – May 02, 2023=============VERSION 1.7 – May 02, 2023============= Backend (Admin Panel) 1. Create Post - Given the support to add multiple categories in a post. 2. Facebook Ads - In settings, you can manage the Facebook ads settings. 3. Fixed the newsapi.org section which is not fetching news. 4. Added status management on languages 5. Personal ads - Create ads view updated to use it more easy. 6. Fixed many minor bugs. Application 1. App design revamped. 2. Added animations 3. Facebook ads support 4. Flutter version update 5. Fixed many minor bugs.
VERSION 1.6 – October 18, 2022
=================VERSION 1.6 – October 18, 2022============= Backend (Admin Panel) 1. Create Post - Given the support to add multiple categories in a post. 2. Google Admob - In settings, you can manage the AdMob ads settings. 3. Minor bugs fixed. Application 1. All News - Add all news icons under topics so the user can now read all the news without login into the app from all the topics. 2. My Feed - The personalization setting is now renamed to My feed and placed in the sidebar. 3. Featured Blogs - After scrolling through the last featured post, added a screen that takes the user to all news. 4. Gooogle Admob - Given the support to banner and interstitial ads which can be managed from an admin. 5. Youtube Video now opens in full screen. 6. Multiple category display in posts and saved stories. 7. Flutter version 3.3.2 8. Multiple minor bugs fixed.
VERSION 1.5 – October 08, 2022
=================VERSION 1.5 – October 08, 2022============= Backend (Admin Panel) 1. Many bugs fixed. 2. Added missing translations. Application 1. Upgraded to Flutter 3.0.5 2. Change the Password page added as an individual page. 3. On clicking push notification the specific news will open. 4. Bug fixes.
VERSION 1.4 – July 14, 2022
=================VERSION 1.4 – July 14, 2022============= Backend (Admin Panel) 1. Fixed bugs. 2. Given support to more image tags in the RSS feed items. 3. Rearranged the Create Post section. 4. Live News and Enews icon are now manageable from admin. 5. Live News and Enews can now be disabled from admin. 6. The ad frequency now works for all the ads based on the scroll. 7. Updated the design for ads and blog analytics. 8. All Posts - Added date filter. 9. Sub-admin - Given the option to assign roles Application 1. Fixed bugs. 2. CMS pages moved to the settings page. 3. Alert message when no internet connection.
VERSION 1.3 – February 09, 2022
=================VERSION 1.3 - February 09, 2022============= Backend (Admin Panel) 1 Voting question can now be manageable from admin. 2 Voting results are now more detailed. 3 Arabic Language Support 4 Advertisements (New) - Create Ads and get detailed analytics of advertisements. 5 Post analytics, with search results analytics. 6 Personalisation (New) - Now you can view users' interesting topics to provide more content according to the trending categories. 7 CMS Pages - Create as many static pages as you need which will automatically list in the menubar of the app Application 1 Updated to newest flutter version 2.8 2 Homepage - Scroll down to refresh 3 Arabic language RTL support. 4 Minor design fixes on the login and signup page. 5 Advertisement - When the user swipes the posts he will see the ads as per set in the admin panel. 6 Personalisation (New) - After signup user will see the personalization page where he can select the categories from which he would like to see the posts. Later he can edit from the Settings page. 7 Settings (New) - Moved all the settings under this page. 8 Search - Saving recently searched keywords (up to 4)
VERSION 1.2 – June 02, 2021
=================VERSION 1.2 - June 02, 2021============= 1. Multi-Language Support 2. Adjust the font size of the article 3. Youtube video support 4. Share article(App will generate an image for instant sharing) 5. E-News - Upload PDF. Users can read the pdf directly through the app. 6. Live News - Live youtube video links can be seen in this section. 7. Performance optimization. 8. NewsAPi.org integrated 9. Send Quotes Push Notification 10. Sub-Admin module 11. Text-to-speech with multiple voices and language options.