Inilabs School Express v5.2 - School Management System
Inilabs School Express: School Management System
iNiLabs school management system is a web-based school management system, which is an easy-to-use and affordable solution for any educational institute. iNiLabs is designed keeping in mind the needs of schools all over the world. It has tons of features to complete the needs of all kinds of academic institutes. It helps schools to manage their day-to-day activities from admission to the examination, from fee collection to result in a declaration.
Demo Credentials
Web Login Credentials
username: admin
password: 123456
username: teacher1
password: 123456
username: student1
password: 123456
username: parent1
password: 123456
username: accountant
password: 123456
username: librarian
password: 123456
username: receptionist
password: 123456
Change Log
Version 5.6 (05-Jun-2023)
- Exam result show for online exam - Bulk import bugs fixing
Version 5.4 (13-Nov-2022)
- Installation bug solved - Other functional bug solved
Version 5.3 (31-Sep-2022)
- Take exam feature minor update - Question feature minor update - Leave application feature minor update - Event feature minor update - Invoice feature minor bugs solved - Spelling minor update