Liveweb Android Webview App With Admin Panel | convert your website to app

Liveweb Android Webview App With Admin Panel | convert your website to app

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Liveweb Android Webview App With Admin Panel | convert your website to app

Liveweb Android Webview App With Admin Panel | convert your website to app

Liveweb. Convert website into app with Liveweb Android Webview App With Admin Panel. 

Liveweb mainly has the following features. Admin panel, one signal notification system, firebase, loading progress indicator, offline screen, splash screen, facebook & admob ads, bottom menu, topbar, navigation menu, RTL, themes, share app, rate app, share page url, privacy policy, dialogs, camera & microphone permission, upload & downloads, GPS, multiple web pages & menus, swipe refresh and more.

Moreover, you can enable or disable all these features with the admin panel. Moreover, these changes appear instantly in your application and there is no need for updating. You do not need any hosting service for the admin panel. You do not need to make a monthly or annual payment for Liveweb.

The best android webview app with admin panel is Liveweb.

If you want to examine the Liveweb admin panel, you can watch the video below.

Download the demo app from Google Play Store and test it.

If you don’t want to deal with anything, you can buy a full service. We will create your app, setup your app and admin panel and publish your app on Google Play Store. Within 24 hours your app will be ready and published in your developer account.

contact me if you need to customize your app or need a different project
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