Multiple Vendor for Rental Marketplace in WooCommerce (add-ons)

Multiple Vendor for Rental Marketplace in WooCommerce (add-ons)

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Multiple Vendor for Rental Marketplace in WooCommerce (add-ons)

Multiple Vendor for Rental Marketplace in WooCommerce (add-ons)

The Vendor add-on is perfect for your site if you want to create a rental marketplace website. This add-on allows vendors to submit their rental service on your site and you earn a mission from them. Vendor after registering, they can use an user dashboard in the frontend that supports them to set up details about their rental services, keep tracking of order status, keep tracking of sales and advanced settings.

The vendor add-on is powered by WCFM that is the smartest, most featured frontend vendor store manager on Wordpress and BRW Plugin that build Rental buisiness.

Important: This plugin is an add-on that requires the WooCommerce (free), BRW Rental & WCFM (free) plugins installed and activated, So you have to buy BRW Rental Plugin to working with this plugin
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