Struninn - Youtube Feed and Playlists Slider

Struninn - Youtube Feed and Playlists Slider

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Struninn - Youtube Feed and Playlists Slider

Struninn - Youtube Feed and Playlists Slider

Struninn – Youtube Feed and Playlists Slider for Elementor

Connect your Account!

Connect your YouTube account and the plugin will automatically grab all the info for you!

Easy to Use/Install

As an Elementor widget, this is really easy to install and use! Once installed the widgets will appear on the Elementor editor. After that, just drag them and start customizing!

WordPress Shortcodes

You can use shortcodes to display the widgets in WordPress posts and pages. Please check the docs WordPress Shortcodes page for more details.

YouTube Videos

You can use the channel videos widget to display your channel videos, customization options include grid or slider templates, displaying videos from a playlist, order and amount of videos!.

YouTube Playlists

You can use the channel playlists slider widget to display your channel playlists, customization options include amount of playlists, slides per view, space between slides and autoplay!.

YouTube API

YouTube requires that you register an application in order to be able to make requests to their resources (YouTube applications have quota limits). Check the docs for more info


Version 1.0.1 August 4th 2022


- Fixed an issue that prevented the display of the widgets on elementor pages when outside of their editor space (shortcodes or template functions).

Video Feed

- Improved the video feed grid by alllowing to set grid columns and space between rows and columns. These options have also been added to the "Channel Videos" Elementor widget options, in the new "Grid" section.

- Improved the video feed slider by allowing to set slide width. This option has also been added to the "Channel Videos" Elementor widget options, in the "Slider" section.

- The video feed slider now has a set width on mobile resolutions so that slides don't overflow the content area.

Playlist Slider

- Improved the playlist slider by allowing to set slide width. This option has also been added to the "Channel Playlists" Elementor widget options, in the "Slider" section.

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