WhizzChat - A Universal WordPress Chat Plugin

WhizzChat - A Universal WordPress Chat Plugin

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WhizzChat - A Universal WordPress Chat Plugin

WhizzChat - A Universal WordPress Chat Plugin

WhizzChat is a universal WordPress Chat Plugin that allows users to chat with each other on your website or with the Admin. The whizzChat plugin can work with any theme from ThemeForest. It can work with any custom post type. WhizzChat is a WordPress plugin that helps you to communicate with your customers via the chat system. Save time and use the software you already know and love. Communicate with your customers directly. Features:

  • Admin Chatbot
  • Can Work with any Theme
  • Can Work with any custom post type(job postal, car dealership, directory listing, classified, market place, multi-vendor etc.)
  • Beautyful emojis
  • Images sharing via chat
  • Location Sharing
  • Files sharing
  • Admin to customer chat
  • Customer to seller chat
  • Many more


Change Log

Release: v 1.7.0 22nd June, 2023
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The time zone issue was resolved.
Chatbot hide/Show issue resolved.
The custom chat initializer button issue was resolved.
We have updated the Vue  Library issue.
Session mismatch issue for without login user.
Incorrect user name without login

Release: v 1.6.0 14th December, 2022
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Fixes :
Chat was not being initiated for those without login users,
Bot click was not working in some browsers.
Session mismatch error resolved.
The issue in clearing chat data resolved

Added :
Email option added the user would receive email on new message
WordPress 6.0.x compatible

Release: v 1.5.0 16th March, 2022
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Minor fixes
AgilePusher deprecated 

Release: v 1.4.0 18th January, 2022
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The chat search issue is fixed.
Showing all messages in a single Chat in the user dashboard is fixed.
The live chat socket issue was resolved.
without login, the chat issue was resolved.
Bot chat not opening issues resolved.

Release: v 1.3.0 13th April, 2021
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1:  Network connectivity issue in case of real-time chat

Release: v 1.2.0 2nd April, 2021
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1:  Style Improved
2:  Small FIxes

Release: v 1.1.0 3rd March, 2021
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1:  Speed optimized
2:  Button click chat open added
3:  click enter to send the message added
4:  hide show chat list added
5:  chat minimized on page load
6:  can turn off auto chat pop up
7:  other minor bug fixes 
8: Help Developers to add in any theme added

Release: v 1.0.5 23rd October, 2020
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 => Performance improvements   

Release: v 1.0.4 26th August, 2020
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 => Dashboard Color Selection Added
 => Fixed Header Already Send Issue
 => Cron Job Issue Fixed
 => Mobile Responsive Fixed
 => Style Issue Fixed  

Release: v 1.0.3 24th August, 2020
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 => Add a new page template for the user chat messenger
 => Add an option to add a sidebar in the user chat messenger.

Release: v 1.0.2 12th August, 2020
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 => Compatibility With The Latest WordPress 5.5

Release: v 1.0.1 12th August, 2020
Please clear your cache after the update.

=> Initial Release
=> Style Issue Fixed                          
=> Improved Security & Bug Fixes
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