WooStore Pro WooCommerce v3.0.0 - Flutter E-commerce Full App, Multi vendor marketplace support

WooStore Pro WooCommerce v3.0.0 - Flutter E-commerce Full App, Multi vendor marketplace support

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WooStore Pro WooCommerce v3.0.0 - Flutter E-commerce Full App, Multi vendor marketplace support

WooStore Pro WooCommerce v3.0.0 - Flutter E-commerce Full App, Multi vendor marketplace support

WooStore Pro – Full Ecommerce WooCommerce Mobile App with App Builder, compatible with any template

WooStore Pro WooCommerce is the Full Flutter Application to connect to your existing WooCommerce website, compatible with any templates

WooStore Pro is the ecommerce app which is fully compatible with woocommerce framework to bring your ecommerce store on a mobile device. It has many powerful features that are unique to it like changing the number of screens, tabs, design, theme in real time ( over the air cloud updates ) without having to push an update to the app stores.

Convert your ecommerce store from a website to a fully functional and blazing fast ecommerce mobile app with just a few clicks.

Quick Info

WooStore Vs Fluxstore User Feedback

Phone OTP Login

Let your customers login through their phone number via an OTP

Product Screen

The product screen is equally delightful for your customers with pleasing animations while performing in the best fashion. The screen designed gives all the required details about the product in distinct, easy to spot places for immediate recognition of the options.

Below mentioned are some of the features of the product screen.

Product variation, on Sale, other product details

The variations for the products are fetched when the product is loaded on the screen which makes the application extremely performant and very less memory usage.

You can also see the change in price and stock as the customer changes the color selection. A small on sale banner appears on the top with beautiful fade and scale animation on the top right to notify the user that this variation of the product is ON SALE. You can also select the size and change the quantity of the products.

The images for the variation selected also appears as the first image in the image gallery.

As of version v1.6.0 WooStore Pro supports Dynamic Attributes, i.e. you can use any attribute type for your variable products and the application will display all of them elegantly. For colour attributes the supported colour values can be found in woostore_pro / lib / constants / colors.dart file. You can also add new colours if you want.

Buy now button

Buy Now button takes your customer straight to the cart screen for fast checkout.

WooCommerce Product Addons Plugin Support

Multi Vendor Support

Show information about the product’s vendor on the product details page. There are three UI layout options to choose from to show the vendor UI tile in product details page.

As of version v1.10.0 you can share product’s link using any other application.

WooCommerce Points and Rewards

As of version v1.3.0 you can show reward points of each product and variation right in the product screen to your customers. Points information is fetched from the server so your changes made to backend will reflect instantly on the product screen.

Photo Review for WooCommerce Plugin Support

Allow your users to add photos with their reviews

Beautiful Add To Cart animation

You can show related, cross sell, up sell products right where they make the greatest impact that is below your product screen.

Again fetching the related, cross sell and up sell products is done separately in the background which makes the application super fast.

HTML Description

Now show beautiful descriptions with images, list, tables, links and much more right in the product screen. Just add the description for your amazing products in the descriptions section in woocommerce product editing area and your added description will be shown in WooStore Pro with native widgets.

One cool feature is that you can add web links, mail links, telephone links and any type of links that you want. The application will find the best suitable app in the customer’s device and open the link in that app.

In the gif below, you can see the link opening a browser window straight from the description panel.

Key features implemented for performance

All the product data is loaded only the first time the product is opened by the customer which includes the price, stock quantity and other changes that might have been made on the woocommerce products’ page.
After that if the customer opens the product again, a cached version of the data is showed to the customer while any updated data is fetched in the background like the updated stock quantity or availability, the price, etc. The product variations follow the same pattern


As of version v1.7.0 the application offers multiple layouts for categories screen.
Checkout the layouts here: Categories Screen Layout Options

The application shows your store categories at the top of the home page. You can have as many categories as you want and the application will handle them all very well.

The parent categories are shown to your ecommerce store customer directly and when they choose their parent category, a pop up will allow them to choose from the child categories available associated with that parent category. If there is no child category, the application will load the products directly.

As of version v1.5.0 the categories are present in tabbar for easy access. The child categories are also shown below the app bar of Categorized Product Screen which will hide and show itself based on the user scrolling so that it does not block the view.

The categories are supported with one level of nesting.

Search Feature

This feature allows your customers to search your ecommerce woocommerce store with filters. There are a lot of search filter options available including the option to search with tags, categories, on sale flag, price filter and much more coming soon.

Profile screen

A beautiful profile screen in the application allows your customers to update their profile information like name, email. They can also add and update their billing and shipping address right from the application. Update the password of their account.
Check the status of their order with tracking information.

My Orders with Tracking

This feature shows your customer their orders and allows them to track if the tracing information is provided.

All the product items related to an order are fetched separately from the server and only when and if they are required. This allows to get the orders’ information fast without having to gather all the information which the customer might not even see, saving their bandwidth as well.

Multiple languages with RTL support

As of version v1.5.0 the application supports multiple languages and RTL languages.

WooCommerce Points and Rewards

As of version v1.2.0 you can now use reward points and show the reward points balance to your customer within the application. Use the official WooCommerce Points and Rewards plugin to manage points and rewards for your customers.

Beautiful points screen which shows woocommerce points balance as well as the latest events which resulted in the woocommerce points modification.

Refresh Functionality allows your customers to refresh the screen to see the latest changes to their woocommerce points balance.

Cart with badges on the icon

Your customers can check your cart items and the total payable amount, including the ability to increase and decrease the quantity, see the size and colour option selected. Action to remove the cart item which automatically updates the total amount and total items in the cart.

One cool feature is that the cart item will NOT show the quantity option if the product is marked as sold individually on your backend in the woocommerce product’s information.

All the changes made on the cart screen are immediately synced with the server which allows to user to checkout on the website as well.

Favorites or Wishlist

The application allows your users to save the products in their favourites list for future purchases. The data is stored on the users local device. Saves both the product and variation data.

On Boarding

Greet your users with a welcoming message.

Dark Mode

Let your customers choose between light or dark mode.

Available Features

Full Ecommerce App Features – Fully compatible with WooCommerce framework.

Real Time update app layout – No need to push the new version of the application to update the application, you can just modify the configurations on the server and boom, your changes will be reflected the next time application loads. (Currently only available for Home screen, but coming soon to other screens as well)

Fully compatible with WooCommerce – This application was built to take your woocommerce ecommerce store to a lot of users right in their pocket. With the blazing fast performance of the application, you can start building your customer base for your woocommerce ecommerce store within a few hours of purchase.

Immediate Sync – The application sync the customers data with the server immediately without any lag. The better the server, the best performance you will see.

Great UI / UX – Beautifully designed application components which looks aesthetically pleasing in both light and dark theme. A color scheme that compliments your products for your customers.

Push Notifications – The application manages and send push notification to the customers automatically when their order status changes. You can even change the template of the message that will be sent to the customer’s devices.
You can also send notifications to a group of people based on the topics that you can specify in the application while installation. A few like “New Version Update”, “Promotions” are already available for use by default. Reach more customers with this feature.

Secure login and signup – The application uses secure login and signup techniques supported with JWT Authentication to verify each and every user request that comes to your servers.

Social Logins – Give your users the delight to login with other social platforms, like google, facebook and apple.

Phone OTP login – Give your users the delight to login with their registered phone number through OTP.

Multi Payments with Checkout – The application takes the user to an in-app webview to complete the payment for their order. The user is automatically logged into their account and their address information, cart information is automatically loaded based on the JWT Auth Token. You can use any payment plugin that you want and consume its full power without ever pushing an update to your mobile application.
You can also change your checkout page however you want to personalize the payment flow of your application.

Multiple Languages – Now the application supports multiple languages.

Multi Vendor Marketplace – The application supports multi-vendor plugins to allow you to show products from different vendors on the application.

Guest Checkout – This feature allows the customers to use your application without having to signup or login. They can look for products in your woocommerce ecommerce store and buy them with guest checkout.

Multi Home Page Sections – Choose from a list of options to create sections on your home page and update the layout in real time. There are a bunch of settings that you can configure for each section to get the best out of them. Please see the sections information above.

Simple and Variable Products – WooStore Pro Woocommerce Ecommerce application fully supports the simple products and variable products with variations. The product details and variation details are loaded only when the user opens the product for more details. This lowers the memory footprint of the application, thus making is super fast.

WooCommerce Product Add ons plugin support – As of version 3.2.0 the application supports official WooCommerce Product Add-Ons plugins to add more fields in the product section.

Photo Review for WooCommerce Plugin Support – As of version 3.4.0 the application supports Photo Review for WooCommerce Plugin to add photos in reviews.

Discount and Sale – Show discounted price for your products with a sale flag right on the item cards on the home screen. Lets your customers know of the discount offered on the product.

Powerful user settings – The application allows your customers to changes their name, email, shipping and billing address right from the application. The customer can also change their password right from the application.

Forgot password – This feature helps the customer to reset their password incase they have forgotten it.

Favorites or Wishlist – This feature allows your customers to save the products they like in their Favorites list which is saved on the their device so they are also available offline.

Order and Tracking – Your customers can check the items in their orders along with other order information for further assistance. The tracking option allows the customers to track their package seamlessly.

Offline image caching – This feature caches the images in the application disk which speeds up the performance of the application and reduces customers bandwidth usages saving their data.

Beautiful splash screen – The application has a beautiful splash screen every time on app startup.

On Boarding – Let your customers know all the features of the application right at the onboarding screen.

Dark Mode – The much loved dark mode is also integrated in this application.

WooCommerce Admin – Use the woocommerce admin panel to manage your woocommerce ecommerce store and orders.

New in version v1.13.0

  • Added `Add a Review` button on completed order’s product items so that only the verified buyers can write a review only after the order has been successful.
  • Use `myOrdersShowAddReviewButtonForCompletedOrders` flag in config.dart to enable / disable. ENABLED by default.
  • Made product in order item clickable, will not open the given product in the product details page.
  • Updated UI options for Product Details Bottom Button bar to arrange the layout of the ‘add to cart’ and ‘buy now’ button. Choose from 3 different layouts
  • Updated option to disallow users to add review for products if they have not purchased it.
  • Use `productScreenAllowReviewsWithoutPurchase` to update the setting. Enabling it will remove the Add a Review button from the all review screen. DISABLED by default.
  • Made Tags section clickable in product details screen.
  • Added Categories section in product details screen with clickable items to see products linked to that category.

New in version v1.12.0

  • Added Feature Firebase Dynamic Links
  • Improved Product share with Firebase Dynamic Links or normal url ( config choice available )
  • Added `Share App` option to share the app with Firebase Dynamic Links
  • Added Config settings for firebase dynamic links in config.dart as FirebaseDynamicLinksConfig class

New in version v1.11.0

  • Added sorting and more filter options for search, categorised products, category products and tag products.
  • Added Filter attributes with support for image and color types ( supported with Variation Swatches for WooCommerce Plugin ).
  • Added Add To Cart Button on each item card.
  • Added Support for Product Color and Image type attributes in product details page ( supported with Variation Swatches for WooCommerce Plugin ).
  • Improved product item card review stars indicator.
  • Improved attributes in product detail page to show selected option with attribute name.

What will you get ?

  • Full Dart source code for both iOS and Android
  • Well documentation help to use the product affectively
  • Designs made in Figma design
  • WooStore Pro Wordpress Plugin to support the API for the application
  • Complementary assets like images, svg icons all, app icon, all for free
  • Purchase once, use lifetime, free upgrade

Tags: woocommerce ecommerce woocommerce application mobile application for woocommerce multivendor ecommerce application woocommerce ecommerce application best woocommerce mobile application best ecommerce application woocommerce app woocommerce mobile app woocommerce best app
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