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Tags: client management, codeigniter, crm, estimates, expenses, invoice, lead management system, leads, project management, proposals, Recurring Invoice, support ticket, surveys, task, task management
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Tags: client management, crm, invoicing, laravel, lead management, leads, project management, project manager, tasks, time tracking
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Tags: ai, ai content, enterprise resource planning, erp, erp application, gst, inventory manager, invoicing application, open source point of sales, php point of sales, PhpPOS, point of sale, pos, retail shop manager, simple pos
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Tags: client management, crm, estimates, event calendar, expense, freelance, hrm, invoice, modern, office management, project management, task management, ticket system, user management
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Tags: business management, client invoicing, client manager, crm, customer manager, freelance, hrm, paypal, project management, project timer, staff management, support ticket, task management, user management
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Tags: ai, ai content, enterprise resource planning, erp, erp application, gst, inventory manager, invoicing application, open source point of sales, php point of sales, PhpPOS, point of sale, pos, retail shop manager, simple pos
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Tags: business management, client invoicing, crm, customer manager, hrm, paypal, php saas, project management, saas, saas crm, saas software, staff management, support ticket, task management
in PHP scripts $49 FREE
Tags: accounting, ai, ai content, contracts, crm, deals, expense, hrm tool, invoice, laravel, leads, pos, projects, saas crm, task management
in PHP scripts $65 FREE
Tags: client management, codeigniter, crm, estimates, expenses, invoice, lead management system, leads, project management, proposals, Recurring Invoice, support ticket, surveys, task, task management