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Tags: advertising, amazons3, customisable, google drive, HLS m3u8, html5 player, lightbox, media, mp4, playlist, responsive, video player, vimeo, youtube
in Wordpress Plugins $39 FREE
Tags: advertising, amazons3, customisable, google drive, HLS m3u8, html5 player, lightbox, media, mp4, playlist, responsive, video player, vimeo, youtube
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Tags: blog, blog design, blog grid layout, blog layout, blog layout design, blog template, company timeline, custom blog design, custom blog layout, posts in page, responsive, responsive blog layout, timeline blog, timeline plugin, wordpress timeline plugin
in Wordpress Plugins FREE
This plugin adds several premium elements in your Visual Composer on top of the built-in ones given by WPBakery. Every single element in the package i
in Wordpress Plugins $15 FREE
Tags: animation, gutenberg, key, keyboard, mobile, mouse, plugin, scroll, scrolling, slide, smooth, smoothly, swipe, touch, wheel
in Wordpress Plugins FREE
This plugin adds several premium elements in your Visual Composer on top of the built-in ones given by WPBakery. Every single element in the package i
in Wordpress Plugins $15 FREE
Tags: election, elementor, feedback, opinion, poll, post voting, range, rating, responsive, review, shortcode, survey, vote, voting, wp
in Wordpress Plugins $59 FREE
Tags: gallery, gallery slider, product gallery, product gallery slider, woocommerce gallery, woocommerce product gallery, woocommerce product thumbnails slider
in Wordpress Plugins $49 FREE
Tags: agency, finder, gutenberg, lease, portal, property script, property search, radius search, real estate listings, real estate manager, real estate plugin, real estate script, rent, sale, wp real estate
in Wordpress Plugins $25 FREE
Tags: ad, adblock, anti, banner, block, blocker, browser, detect, extension, hide, lock, plugin, popup, screen, turn off
in Wordpress Plugins $27 FREE
Tags: compare tables, CSS3 tables, google maps, prices, pricing, pricing tables, responsive tables, table, tables, team builder, team showcase
in Wordpress Plugins $45 FREE
Tags: comment ratings, comparison tables, criteria, elementor, page builder, rate, rating, review, reviewer, reviews, rich snippets, stars, user rating, visual composer, wpbakery
in Wordpress Plugins $49 FREE
Tags: video gallery, wordpress youtube, youtube, Youtube Channel, youtube gallery, youtube playlist, youtube plugin, youtube video, youtube video gallery