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Tags: Content Locker, facebook, locker, responsive, share, share buttons, social, social icons, social locker, social media, social networks, social share, twitter, wordpress, wpbakery page builder
in Wordpress Plugins $20 FREE
Tags: Content Locker, facebook, locker, responsive, share, share buttons, social, social icons, social locker, social media, social networks, social share, twitter, wordpress, wpbakery page builder
in Wordpress Plugins FREE
This plugin adds several premium elements in your Visual Composer on top of the built-in ones given by WPBakery. Every single element in the package i
in Wordpress Plugins $49 FREE
Tags: appointment booking, event booking, tour, tour booking, tour booking plugin, tour list, tour plugin, tour wp, tourism, travel, travel agency, travel booking, travel list, travel plugin, woocommerce booking
in Wordpress Plugins FREE
Lets you specify a custom thank you page per product. You can drop and drag content element of checkout page for each product.
in Wordpress Plugins $24 FREE
Tags: current weather, weather, weather forecast, wordpress weather
in Wordpress Plugins $175 FREE
Tags: auto create reports, database reports, docx, export, generate excel in wordpress, generate word in wordpress, report builder, Report Generator, sql reports, wpdatatables, xlsx
in Wordpress Plugins $39 FREE
Tags: business directory, classified listing, directory listing, listing, map, property, real estate, real estate agent, real estate directory, real estate listing, real estate manager, real estate plugin, store locator, wordpress
in Wordpress Plugins $21 FREE
Tags: avg, ccpa, cookie consent, data protection, dsgvo, gdpr, GDPR compliance, gdpr eu, GDPR plugin, gdpr regulation, GDPR Wordpress, general data protection regulation, rgpd, rodo
in Wordpress Plugins $40 FREE
Tags: ajax filter, ajax product, ajax product filter, filter, post type filter, price filter, product filter, Product Filter for WooCommerce, woocommerce ajax filter, woocommerce filter, woocommerce filter plugin, woocommerce product filter, wordpress filter, wordpress filter plugin, wp ajax filter
in Wordpress Plugins $24 FREE
Tags: countdown, countdown clock, countdown timer, wordpress, wordpress countdown clock, wordpress countdown timer
in Wordpress Plugins $19 FREE
Tags: background effect, bubble effect, compatible with WPBakery Page Builder, flat surface shader, flying birds effect, frozen effect, matrix effect, particle background, particle js, rain effect, smoke effect, snow effect, startrek effect, THREE JS, WPBakery Page Builder Background Effects
in Wordpress Plugins $21 FREE
Tags: addon, creative, effects, gallery, image, parallax, parallax builder, parallax engine, parallax layer, parallax video, showcase, video background, video multilayer parallax, wordpress, wpbakery page builder